Lowongan Kerja PT Taka Indonesia

Loker PT Taka Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja : gotokerja.com, PT TAKA Indonesia berdiri pada tahun 2009, ialah industri yang bergerak dalam bidang Servis serta pemeliharaan perlengkapan berbalik semacam Turbin Gas, Turbin Uap, Pompa Sentrifugal, Kompresor Sentrifugal serta Turbomachinery yang lain. Prestasi kerja yang sangat terampil dalam revisi bengkel, revisi di tempat, serta pula revisi layanan lapangan, PT TAKA Indonesia pula membuat suku cadang mesin turbo( pompa, turbin, kipas angin, dll). 

Saat ini PT Taka Indonesia membuka kesempatan bagi rekan gotokerja untuk bergabung bersama ke perusahaan melalui lowongan kerja yang tersedia. 
Lowongan Kerja PT Taka Indonesia
Posisi yang tersedia :

Lowongan Learning & Career Development Center (LCDC) Staff

Qualification :

Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major
Has 1 year working experience in Learning & Development and recruitment & selection process (Fresh graduates are welcome to apply)
Has a good teamwork and good communication skill
Detail oriented, achievement oriented, also has a willingness to do continuous improvement
Ready to be placed in Bandung
Max. age 30 years old

Brief Job Description :
Responsible for executing the training plan (coordinating with PIC HR Subsidiaries Company and instructors) and ensuring the training is well executed in accordance with the calendar training.
Responsible for supporting the process of the development plan for employees, especiallyManagement Trainee Program
Responsible for monitoring the progress of learning hours in Subsidiaries Company (coordinating with PIC HR Subsidiaries Company)
Responsible for executing the Performance Review throughout the year (coordinating with PIC HR from Subsidiaries Company and preparing the system)
Coordinating with other departments and PIC from Subsidiaries Company in accordance with SLA
Responsible in supporting the recruitment and selection process (external and internal hiring)
Responsible for executing the requested-project from Management Team as the representative of Taka Indonesia (as Holding Company of Taka Group).

Cara Melamar :

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