Lowongan Kerja PT Surya Citra Media Tbk (SCM)
Loker PT Surya Citra Media Tbk (SCM)
Lowongan Kerja : gotokerja.com, PT Surya Citra Media Tbk merupakan industri induk buat layanan multimedia dan jasa konsultasi di media serta usaha terpaut. SCM dibangun pada bertepatan pada 29 Januari 1999. Tujuan utama didirikannya industri ini merupakan buat memperluas cakrawala PT Surya Citra Tv( SCTV), yang ialah salah satu stasiun Televisi terbanyak penyiaran di Indonesia.
Industri ini mempunyai visi jadi pemimpin dalam berikan donasi sosial serta budaya untuk kesejahteraan bangsa melalui kreasi yang inovatif serta teknologi data yang terintegrasi, media serta telekomunikasi.
Selaku industri media penyiaran, SCTV dibatasi oleh hukum sehingga cuma menyiarkan siaran yang telah menemukan lisensi. Pembuatan SCM menunjukkan timbulnya kelompok multimedia yang sangat prospektif dengan kesempatan perkembangan jangka panjang. SCM setelah itu membeli 100% saham SCTV sepanjang periode waktu antara November 2001 serta April 2002, serta go public pada Juli 2002.
SCM mulai meluncurkan produksinya pada 2003 di dasar bendera" Surya Citra Pictures" dalam wujud kerjasama dengan 2 rumah penciptaan lokal. 2 drama seri bertajuk Malam Awal serta Bukan Cinderella. Sedangkan itu 4 Sine Televisi yang dibuat bersama Miles Production.
Buat membuat visi serta misinya jadi realitas, SCM memiliki strategi bisnis. Antara lain dengan berkomitmen buat berinvestasi dalam program pelatihan serta pembelajaran dalam industri serta SCTV. Mempromosikan konten SCTV di luar Indonesia. Mengeksplorasi kesempatan baru di Indonesia dengan menggunakan kompetensi inti industri buat tingkatkan nilai pemegang saham. Dan berkonsentrasi pada industri Televisi buat Meningkatkan bisnis media massa yang lebih luas.
Saat ini PT Surya Citra Media Tbk membuka kesempatan bagi rekan gotokerja.com untuk bergabung bersama ke perusahaan melalui lowongan kerja yang tersedia.
Lowongan Accountant
Lowongan Cost Control
Lowongan IT Infra Project
Lowongan Technician
1. Accountant
Preferably Bachelor’s Degree Economics, majoring in Accounting
At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field (Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply)
Have an excellent understanding for journaling, E – SPT and tax database
Well – organized, high attention to detail and high accuracy
Able to operate Microsoft Office and the accurate accounting software
Able to operate SAP is a plus
Job Descriptions :
Perform finance functions and other finance administration
Ensure finance reports to management
Responsible handling of the company’s bank for payment and receipts
Handling vendor payment processes and others
Filling warehouse documents
2. Cost Control
Preferably Bachelor’s Degree Economics, majoring in Accounting
1 – 2 years of working experience in the related filed
Have good understanding of with holding tax
Well – organized, high attention to detail, and high accuracy
Able to work at the specified work target
Job Descriptions :
Review advance submission and advance settlement
Review invoices, receipts, and financial statements to identify any discrepancies or unauthorized expenses
Developing and maintaining budgets for various departments or projects within the organization
Ensuring compliance with relevant financial regulations and policies
3. IT Infra Project
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree majoring in Technology Information, Computer Science or equivalent
At least 3 year (s) of working experiences in the related field
Familiar with CISCO SDA, Network Architecture and Project Management
Having CISCO Certification is a plus
Job Descriptions :
Handle and create documents related to IT Infrastructure projects
Monitoring, troubleshooting and maintaining existing network infrastructure
Designing routers, switching, network architecture, and firewalls
Establish a networking environment by defining, designing system, configuration and installation
Support firewall environments in line with IT security
4. Technician
Candidate must possess at least D3/S1 majoring Informatics Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Telecommunication with minimum GPA 3.00
Minimum 1 year of experienced in media broadcast system or similar industry (i.e : broadcasting vendor) but fresh graduates are welcome to apply
Has capability of electronic systems and information technology
Able to trouble shooting capability in broadcasting system
Energetic and willing to work in flexible long hours
Job Descriptions :
Set up broadcast equipment and systems
Maintain and enhance existing equipments to ensure it os functioning properly
Troubleshoot user problems on broadcast systems
Experienced in NOC broadcast
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